The Encore Programming Language

This document gives an overview of the Encore programming language, its ideas and syntax, and a tutorial.

Please be aware that Encore is in its early development phase and is subject to change without notice.


The Encore compiler is available from Instructions on how to install and build the compiler are available via that link.


The following people have contributed to the design (in a broad sense) and implementation of Encore:

  • Stephan Brandauer
  • Elias Castegren
  • Dave Clarke
  • Oskar Pedersen
  • Kiko Fernandez
  • Henrik Sommerland
  • Tobias Wrigstad
  • Albert Yang
  • Huu-Phuc Vo
  • Per Engström
  • Daniel McCain
  • Gustav Lundin
  • Sophia Drossopoulou
  • Juliana Franco
  • Nobuko Yoshida
  • Frank de Boer
  • Vlad Serbanescu
  • Einar Broch Johnsen


Encore has been funded by the European Project UpScale (FP7-ICT-2013-X).

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